My name is Brian Booth and I want to make it clear that I have not went to seminary school. I am a sinner who was drawn by God to my savior Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit has given me faith, true repentance and continues to teach me the truth of God’s Word. This website is my form of witnessing the Good News, the works of Jesus Christ, to whoever will listen.

Growing up I went to church like most kids did in my day. As I got older I turned away from church, not because of anger or anything like that, just busy with things in my life that I thought were more important (I say they were more important because I focused on them instead of God). I always kept that belief in what I had learned during that time and talked about the Bible a good bit to others who had similar beliefs. After marrying my beautiful wife Ruth we started back to church where we were listening to sermons that were a lot like what I had grown up with.

When many years had passed my wife began listening to a couple of preachers online who were saying some things I had never heard before and that I didn’t believe in. The truth of these sermons were reaching my wife, but I was wanting to prove them wrong. I wanted to keep my old beliefs, but I know the Bible is true. I tried hard to stay believing the way I was, but what these men were saying was biblical. Not all my beliefs were wrong, but a lot of them were.

I was in my mid 40’s before the Holy Spirit began giving me understanding of scriptures. It became easier letting go to what I was believing in and embracing the truth. It’s hard to recognize that you are reading and studying the Bible through the lens of tradition or false belief. Once you let it go and let the Bible speak and the Holy Spirit give you insight, everything falls into place. Believe the Bible’s truth and quit trying to force the Bible to bend to what you think. 

My hope is that the Holy Spirit will use this website, Called to Light, to bring a better understanding of scripture through its content.