Yes, He is.
Ever since Adam and Eve disobeyed God in the Garden of Eden and were thrown out we have had a sinful, fallen nature (Romans 5:12). This broke our relationship with God and in fact made us enemies with Him (Romans 5:10). None of us can remove this sinful nature and be righteous in the eyes of God, but to enter into heaven we are to be perfect when we stand before God to be judged.
None of us seek after God, none does good (Romans 3:11-12). Who then can stand before God and meet His perfect standard?
Jesus Christ can. He lived a perfect life without sin and died on the cross as a spotless lamb, the ultimate sacrifice (1 Peter 1:19). He took God's full wrath that was meant for us and died for our sins so that we, the believers, are free from sin's bondage and debt (1 Corinthians 15:3) (John 3:16).
We have no righteousness of our own, just the law that shows us our sins and condemns us, but through faith in Christ and being found in Him, God accredits the perfect life of Christ to us to be found worthy to enter Heaven (Philippians 3:7-9).
The reason Jesus is the only way to Heaven is He is the only One who can stand worthy before God and by His life accredited to us we are found worthy. There is no other way.
You are being saved from God and His wrath (Romans 5:8-9). In the day of judgement unsaved sinners will pay the penalty for their sins and God's wrath will be on them forever in a place called Hell (Matthew 25:46) (Revelation 14:10-11) (2 Thessalonians 1:8-9).
When Jesus says “If anyone wants to come after Me, he must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me." in Matthew 16:24 He is talking about the suffering you will endure in your lives for being a believer.
Everyone suffers and has sorrows in their lives, both Christians and the wicked. This is living life with our sinful nature under the fall of mankind and is not what Jesus is talking about, but rather the suffering endured for believing and following Him.
To pick up your cross you must first die to self, putting God above all. He is above your family, friends, your personal ambitions, hobbies and interests. As a believer in Christ you could be ridiculed, insulted, imprisoned, have family and friends and the world turn their back on you and even be put to death.
Some Christians will endure more sufferings than others, but all Christians will go through some kind of suffering because the world hates and is against what Christians believe and live for.
After salvation the believer is set apart from this world of sin by the Holy Spirit. He begins your spiritual growth by teaching and giving you understanding of the Word of God in His time. Through your life He continually conforms you to be more and more like Christ.
Every Christian will have the evidence of sanctification in their lives. Some will have big changes and some that are faint, but there will be a change. If there is no change at all then there is no sanctification and with no sanctification, no salvation.
Sanctification is a process we go through here on earth and will never be completed on this side of Heaven, but when we enter into glory.
This is a question every Christian has had at some point in their lives. Your conversion is the most important event that will ever take place in your life, so the thought of it not being real is very scary. You know what the outcome will be if you have just been deceiving yourself and you never were called to Him.
2 Peter 1:4-7 tells us how we can be assured and in 2 Peter 1:10-11 Peter sums up and says, (10) Therefore, brethren, be all the more diligent to make certain about His calling and choosing you; for as long as you practice these things, you will never stumble; (11) for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you.
Peter says 8 things we should do to have assurance.
• Have faith. Faith is a great possession; because it’s a gift from God the Holy Spirit who directs your faith to believe in Jesus’ life, His works and the reason for His death and resurrection and begins making you more and more like Christ. The Holy Spirit also gives you the gift of repentance. This is not to be confused with worldly sorrow, basically a guilty conscious. Repentance is a godly sorrow. Knowing you have sinned against God and there is nothing you can do to make it right.
• In our faith get the courage to stand up and live for Christ in a world that can’t accept or understand Him. Continue to do what is right in the sight of your enemies.
• Study the truths of the Word of God to gain knowledge. God’s Word is the most important factor in life because it’s the absolute truth and the reality that will remain when everything else is gone, so therefore these truths are what everything else is measured to.
• Have self-control. We are to watch over the words we speak and the actions we do to make sure they line up with scripture. Don’t be hateful to friends, family or enemies. Keep our pride in check knowing that whatever we do on our own can never please God.
• Persevere. When trials come, and they will, don’t talk bad to others or about them and murmur against God. We should not be depressed while going through these trials but praise God and count it as Joy for going through it (James 1:2).
• Don’t just play the part of a Christian, get godliness. Live as if you are in the direct sight of God always, which you are. Godliness is an inward affect that is shown on the outside. Continue to live the truth of scripture no matter what’s going on or who you are with.
• Have brotherly kindness for all brothers and sisters that are in God, no matter who or where they are. It’s a big family with every member being called by the Father Himself.
• Embrace love. Paul wrote in 1st Corinthians 13:2-3 that if he had all knowledge, all faith, if he gave all his possessions to feed the poor and sacrificed his life but did not have love he would have nothing and be nothing. In 1st Corinthians 13:13 Paul declares love is greater than faith and hope. Why would Paul say this? It is because through love all good things come. Treat everyone with love, even your enemies. We should help with their needs expecting nothing in return and share the truth with them. If you love those only who love you, what credit is that to you? For even sinners love those who love them (Luke 6:32).
There is one more thing I would like to add. Do you have any love for Christ at all? Really think about it. Any true love for Christ did not come from you, since you are incapable of it. This love is a gift given by the Holy Spirit and this is another way to have assurance.
I asked this question because most people would say Jesus Christ. This is not wrong, but I do want you to know that Jesus is His name but Christ is not. Christ is His title.
Christ is translated into English from the New Testament Greek word Christos. Christos is translated from the Old Testament Hebrew word Mashiach.
Mashiach is where we get the word Messiah and it means the Anointed One. By calling Jesus, the Christ, we are saying that He is the Anointed One spoke about in the Old Testament as the coming Messiah. Peter made this confession in Matthew 16:16. Simon Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."
I believe it's a good thing for the title Christ, meaning the Anointed One or Messiah to be so intertwined with Jesus of Nazareth that we call our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I grew up hearing this and believed it. I haven't thought about it for a long time and through the years never connected a medical fact with this old belief. It wasn't until recently when this question was brought up that I remembered believing in this and it was understandable to learn that men and women do have the same number of rib bones.
For those of you that have believed this or still believe, here is a very simple and common sense way of looking at this. If a man were to get an organ removed or had a loss of a limb and then later in life have a child, would we expect the offspring to have the same bodily loss. Of course not.
Just like Adam's children did not inherit the loss of one of his rib bones.